Investor registrations

    Kindly note that EIFFEL is open to institutional portfolio managers and buy-side analysts only. Please send us your meeting requests for one-on-ones or group meetings by the 8th of March 2019. Attendees who register after this deadline will be processed upon availability.

    In case you prefer to add or change meetings after your registration, please email to

    Company representatives are welcome to announce their participation by sending an email to:

    First name *
    Last name *
    Company *
    Job Title *
    City *
    Country *
    Email *
    Email (assistant):
    Mobile number * (This is only for urgent notifications during the event):
    I was invited by the following organisation: *
    I would like to request a meeting with:
    Company Availability Meeting request Indicate your preferred meeting style
    Acciona 20 March Yes
    Centrica 19 March Yes
    Drax 19 March Yes
    EDF 19 March Yes
    EDP 19 March Yes
    Greencoat UK Wind 20 March Yes
    Iberdrola 19 March Yes
    innogy 20 March Yes
    National Grid 20 March Yes
    PGE 19 March Yes
    REN 19 March Yes
    RWE 20 March Yes
    Snam 20 March Yes
    Uniper 19 March Yes
    Verbund 20 March Yes

    [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]
